Once upon a time, there was a magical TV show called Bewitched. It was a story of a beautiful witch named Samantha who fell in love with a mortal man named Darrin Stephens. Samantha was…
Mary Tyler Moore Show
It all started in 1970 when a single woman left for the big city to forge her own path. This show was remarkable in its day showing that women didn't have to wear pearls and…
TV Sitcom, All in the Family
My next TV sitcom painting falls in line with the previous Celebrity TV sitcom painting of "The Jeffersons" in 2019. "All in the Family" was the TV sitcom that gave rise to "The Jeffersons" as…
TV Sitcom with Social Awareness
My last painting of the year highlights one of the most iconic and ahead of its time TV comedy shows, The Jeffersons. Although this celebrity painting may have not been the first to feature an…
Celebrity Portraits – When and Why?
I have just finished my latest celebrity portraits of the TV Show, Friends. Click on the image below to purchase your prints or even Coffee Mugs or T-Shirts of these portraits. Quite a few people have…